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About Us

The Pathways project intends to develop a toolkit for adult education and career professionals who work with unemployed low-skilled adults. The toolkit will serve
the purpose of helping these two categories of professionals in recognising basic skills acquired through informal or non-formal learning contexts, as a means to
improve the employability of low-skilled adults. 


Alongside the recognition of skills, the direct target group will be in the position of helping the final beneficiaries in creating their individualised learning pathway, as a means of upskilling and improving their position in the labour market, but also for self-improvement, in the context of lifelong learning promotion.

Upskilling by Creating Individualized Learning Pathways





Create a methodology and a set of tools for adult education and career professionals to guide low-skilled adults in having their basic skills acquired through non-formal or informal learning recognised.


Develop the adult educators and career professionals' capacity to  engage and motivate low-skilled adults in making learning choices which help them to improve their employability potential, based on their prior experience and preferences.


Promote the lifelong learning and the creation tools to cater for the internationalisation of education and growing use of digital learning, supporting the creation of flexible learning pathways in line with learners' needs and objectives.


The Pathways toolkit that will provide information related to the RPL (purpose, added value, methodology), the tools with which adult education and career professionals can implement the methodology, along with motivation techniques for engaging low skilled adults in continuing their learning journey, as a means for upskilling and personal development.

The corresponding training course and its didactic manual which will aim at building the capacities of the aforementioned professionals in the use of the Pathways methodology.



The Pathways e-platform, which will provide all target groups and project stakeholders the opportunity to access the toolkit and the training course, and will also act as a virtual communication platform across all groups of interest involved, aimed at facilitating dialogue and exchange of experiences, being a very important tool for ensuring the sustainability of the project, especially since it will remain active up to three years following the completion of the project.


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The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. [Project Number: 2020-1-ES01-KA204-082734]

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